Student Life 2023
Our student ministry, Infuse, will be traveling to Myrtle Beach to attend Student Life. This is a conference where “our students will experience God’s Word through engaging worship, sound biblical teaching, and community-building small groups.”
Deposits are due by 4/1, so save your spot today.
Calvary Kids Easter Egg Hunt
Everyone is welcome to come join us for our community Egg Hunt. We will have over 1000 eggs filled with fun prizes!
Bring a bag lunch to enjoy after the hunt together!
Infuse: Parents Only Meeting
This is an annual meeting for the Parents of our middle and high school students to meet together with the the Infuse leader. Pastor Conner will give a short presentation on what to look for this year and we will have time for questions and answers as well as prayer.
Calvary Chapel Women's Retreat 2022
Activities & Conference Center-$30
Suppers - $14.50 each
Lunch - $12.50
Room - 1 night $30
Make checks out to Calvary Chapel and put retreat in the memo