Calvary Chapel Greenwood holds a distinctive place among churches in Greenwood, just as the Calvary Chapel movement holds a special and distinctive place in the body of Christ worldwide. Among evangelical churches, Calvary Chapel fellowships lie somewhere in the middle of a spectrum between traditional denominations and charismatic churches. As such, we cannot be easily categorized or labeled, which allows us to keep our emphasis on the Lord Jesus Christ and the expression of His Spirit in our lives together. We seek to truly follow the simple truth expressed in this statement: "In the essentials, unity; in the non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity."

As with most independent churches, we are actually an interdenominational church, with each person and family bringing to our fellowship unique theological and personal perspectives, backgrounds and persuasions. Our challenge is to keep the emphasis on our Lord Jesus Christ and our daily walk with Him, while maintaining the liberty that is found in Christ (Romans 14).

We believe that people are drawn to the oneness of the Spirit that is evident at Calvary Chapel. We unashamedly emphasize God's amazing grace because that emphasis fosters unity in Christ and freshness of the Spirit. In all our ministries and missions, we strive to emphasize love for God's Word, vitality and genuineness in worship, and love among fellow believers -- all in a simple, "non-flashy" atmosphere that reflects the reality that our focus should always be on God's power, not on man's abilities (Zechariah 4:6)

At Calvary Chapel we feel especially called to minister to those who may be disillusioned, discouraged and cynical about “organized religion” and those who are just plain tired of “playing church.” In our teaching, preaching and relationships, we try to emphasize the reality that the ground is level at the foot of the cross and that only the amazing grace of God through Jesus Christ qualifies us to enjoy the wonders of a personal, intimate, dynamic relationship with Him.

We’d love for you to come and worship with us! Our prayer is that through our contemporary worship and Bible teaching, you’ll experience the energizing, comforting and transforming presence of God. We always gather with the desire to encounter God’s glory, to draw near to Him, to exalt Jesus Christ and to go out equipped and encouraged to touch our world with His life and love.